AI Text Assistant



Welcome to the AI Text Assistant documentation! This browser extension uses artificial intelligence to generate summaries of web content and create comments with different emotions. Our goal is to make your browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable. In this document, you'll find a detailed guide on how to use the extension and take full advantage of its features.


Installing the AI Text Assistant extension is a simple process. Just follow these steps:

  1. Visit your browser's extension store from here
  2. Click "Add to Browser" or "Install" to add the extension to your browser.
  3. Follow any additional prompts to complete the installation process.

Once installed, the AI Text Assistant icon will appear in your browser's toolbar. Click on the icon to access the extension's popup window.

Features Overview

AI Text Assistant offers a range of features to help you make the most of your browsing experience. Here's a quick overview of the main features:

  • Summarize web content with varying levels of detail
  • Create comments with different emotions
  • Customize summary and comment lengths, languages, focus keywords and GPT models
  • Connect to your OpenAI account and manage your API key
  • Experience the product with a 3-day free trial.

How to Use AI Text Assistant

Using the AI Text Assistant extension is simple and intuitive. To get started, click on the extension's icon in your browser's toolbar. This will open the popup window, where you can access the following features:

Summarize Screenshot

Summarize Content

Generating a summary of web content is easy with AI Text Assistant. Here's how:

  1. Click on the "Summarize" tab in the popup window.
  2. Choose whether to summarize the whole page or just the text you've selected on the page.
  3. Select the desired detail level from the dropdown menu. You can choose from high, medium, or low detail.
  4. For more control over your summary, click on the "Advanced Options for Summary" link. This allows you to set the summary length, maximum content length, focus keywords, summary language and AI processing model.
  5. Click the "Generate Summary" button to create the summary.

Your generated summary will appear in a text box below the "Generate Summary" button. You can then copy, share, save, or clear the summary using the provided buttons.

Summarize Advanced Options Screenshot

Advanced Options for Summary

In the Advanced Options section, you can customize the following settings:

  • Summary length: Choose the number of sentences in the generated summary.
  • Maximum content length: Set the maximum number of characters in the original text used for generating the summary.
  • Focus keywords: Provide specific keywords to guide the summary generation.
  • Summary language: Select the language for the generated summary.
  • AI Processing Model: Select GPT models with varying capabilities, optimizing for response length, creativity, cost, and processing time for text generation tasks.
    Some examples are:
    text-davinci-003 (This is the largest and most capable model in the GPT family. It is well-suited to tasks that require a high degree of understanding, creativity, or generating detailed content. It also takes more processing time and is more expensive to use compared to other models.),
    text-curie-003 (This model offers a good trade-off between performance and cost. It performs well on a wide range of tasks and is suitable for most general-purpose applications.),
    text-babbage-003 (This is a medium-sized model. It can be a cost-effective option for certain tasks that do not require a high level of creativity or detailed responses.),
    text-ada-003 (This is the smallest model. It performs well for tasks where response length or creative output is less important. It can be used for simple tasks and is the most cost-effective model to use)
Comment Screenshot

Generate Comments with Emotions

To create a comment with a specific sentiment, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Comment" tab in the popup window.
  2. Select the desired emotion from the dropdown menu. You can choose from positive, negative, neutral emotions or write on your own.
  3. Click the "Generate Comment" button to create the comment.

Your generated comment will appear in a text box below the "Generate Comment" button. You can copy or clear the comment using the provided buttons.

Comment Advanced Options Screenshot

Advanced Options for Comment

In the Advanced Options section, you can customize the following settings:

  • Comment sentiment: Choose the sentiment of comment.
  • Comment length: Choose the number of sentences in the generated comment.
  • Comment language: Select the language for the generated comment.
  • AI Processing Model: Select GPT models with varying capabilities, optimizing for response length, creativity, cost, and processing time for text generation tasks.
API Key Screenshot

API Key Management

To manage your settings and API key, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "API Key" tab in the popup window.
  2. Enter your OpenAI API key in the "API Key" text box.
  3. Enter your API key in the "API Key" text box.
  4. Click the "Save" button to store your API and license keys.

These settings allow you to connect the extension to your OpenAI account and manage your API usage. You can also view the current status of your API key and license key.

If you don't have an OPENAI - API Key, you can create now:

License Key Screenshot

License Key Management

To manage your license key, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "License Key" tab in the popup window.
  2. Enter your license key in the "License Key" text box.
  3. Click the "Save" button to store your license key.

To purchase a license for AI Text Assistant, please visit


If you encounter any issues while using the AI Text Assistant extension, please try the following:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the extension installed. You can check for updates in your browser's extension store or marketplace.
  • Verify that your API key and license key are entered correctly in the "Settings" tab.
  • If you're still experiencing issues, contact our support team at for assistance.


AI Text Assistant does not collect any private data. Your API Key is stored securely with encryption to protect your privacy. However, it's recommended to review OpenAI's privacy policies, as we are not responsible for any personal data they may handle during the use of their services.